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Grades 610. Functions that the body performs automatically are often given little thought, yet these body functions are important to sustaining life. Tapping into a natural curiosity that students have about their bodies, Exploring Respiration and Circulation explores the respiratory and circulatory systems.
Grades 610. Functions that the body performs automatically are often given little thought, yet these body functions are important to sustaining life. Tapping into a natural curiosity that students have about their bodies, Exploring Respiration and Circulation explores the respiratory and circulatory systems.
The 1-Class Unit Kit comes with a Teacher's Edition, unit technology pack (digital access to the teacher edition and digital student access to the student guide), 16 reusable hardbound Student Guides (item #976903), and the materials needed for a teacher to teach up to 32 students per day. The 1-Class Refurbishment Set (item #976904) replenishes kit consumables.
The 5-Class Unit Kit comes with a Teacher's Edition, unit technology pack (digital access to the teacher edition and digital student access to the student guide), 16 reusable hardbound Student Guides (item #976903), and the materials needed for a teacher to teach up to 5 classes of 32 students per day. The 5-Class Refurbishment Set (item #976904U5) replenishes kit consumables.
STC-Secondary™ is a 16-unit, inquiry-centered middle school science curriculum developed by the Smithsonian Science Education Center (SSEC). Each STC-Secondary™ unit provides opportunities for students to experience scientific phenomena firsthand. A comprehensive, research-based curriculum, STC-Secondary™ is aligned with the National Science Education Standards.